I am interested in doing business with the city. How do I get started?
The City of Warren uses a Southeast Michigan regional system, to notify vendors of bid and quote opportunities over $1,000.00 in value. This system is called the Michigan Intergovernmental Trade Network (MITN). The service is available at no cost or as a paid subscription. The no cost option requires bidders to check the site for bids on a regular basis while paid subscribers receive automatic notification of posting of bids, quotes, requests for proposals, requests for information, addenda, and award information including tabulations.MITN sends bidder's
We strongly encourage all companies to take advantage of the option to receive automatic notification of solicitations. There is a cost of $49.95 per year or three years for $99.95. As this new system provides many benefits to your company, be sure to read and decide which registration option is best for your business. We look forward to providing you with increased business opportunities, increased, and a simplified and more reliable bidding and quoting process for everyone involved. We appreciate your cooperation and welcome your participation.
Vendors with Internet access should review the registration options on MITN. The TOLL FREE NUMBER of the MITN SUPPORT GROUP IS (800) 677-1997 EXTENSION # 214. They will be happy to register bidders over the telephone or assist bidders with registration on line.